Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Accessing new Blogger at and uploading an image via the posting form will result in error code bX-68tbuv. Until this is fixed, the solution is to go to and log in there, which will redirect correctly to for new Blogger accounts.

Nevertheless, update any old bookmarks that have to use instead.

Update, 1/31: This has been fixed. Regardless, use and not

Monday, January 22, 2007


The “Archive Template” feature, once available to long-time users of old Blogger, is not supported in new Blogger.

Friday, January 19, 2007


If you use a classic template, the labels pages will only display the last 20 posts for each label, with no link to view older posts. If you switch to a Layouts template, you will automatically get "older posts" links to go back through each set of labels.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Some Blogger Mobile photos posted to the old Blogger will not appear if the blog they’re on is switched to the new Blogger and given a custom (i.e. non-Blog*Spot) domain.

Update, 1/18: This has been fixed. Blogger Mobile images now display as expected on custom domain blogs.
Some images uploaded to Blogger that used to appear on custom domain blogs may not be appearing. We are working to reverse this change.

Update, 3:45PM: This has been fixed.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Some users receive the following error message, when trying to publish via FTP "reason: 530 Login authentication failed". This error is specific to certain hosting providers (startlogic for example). The reason for this error that certain hosting providers are denying FTP logins from the Blogger server. The Blogger team is working on fixing this problem.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Per-label feeds for FTP blogs give a 500 error when the label contains spaces.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


For FTP blogs, leaving the archive URL setting blank behaves differently than it did in the old version of Blogger, which causes some archive links to be incorrect. If your archive path is different than your main publishing path, you'll want to be sure to fill in the archive URL as well, rather than relying on the default. Enter just the URL of your archive directory, without a filename.
FTP blogs currently publish post pages even if the post page setting is set to "no." Until we fix this, feel free to delete these files from your server if you don't want them. (They'll be in /year/month/ folders in the same directory as your main blog page.)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

BlogThis! is not yet supported in beta (it won't accept beta login information). This applies both to the original BlogThis! link as well as the Blogger button on the Google Toolbar.

Update (9/12): This is now being worked on.

Update (1/4): This is now fixed. The BlogThis! bookmarklet and Google Toolbar button link to a login box that accepts either old Blogger or new Blogger (i.e. Google Accounts) logins.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The “Flag for Review” button is missing from the navbar on beta Blog*Spot blogs.

Update, 12/4: The “Flag” button is now present in the navbar, though it has a bug that clicking “flag” once will toggle the button to “unflag” on all other Blog*Spot blogs.

Update, 1/3: The toggle behavior has been fixed.